
Here is a summary of my background, experience, and achievements in an interactive resume format. Click on items with a + next to them to show more information. Click here for PDF versions of my resume and CV.


Brown University - Providence, RI

Ph.D. in Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (2014 - 2017)
Supervisor: Dr. Ralph E. Milliken

M.S. in Geological Sciences (2012 - 2014)
Supervisor: Dr. Ralph E. Milliken

California Institute of Technology - Pasadena, CA

B.S. with honors in Planetary Science(2008 - 2012)


Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Pasadena, CA

Mars 2020 Perseverance Mission(2022 - present)
Science Operations Team Chief

As Team Chief, I oversee science operations for our 500 person science team in operating the Perserverance rover to collect data and samples that will help answer fundamental questions about Mars and its habitability. I lead a team of JPL system engineers through operations shifts, process improvements, strategic work, and budgets.

Science Planning Group(2018 - present)
Systems Engineer

I transitioned into a Systems Engineer position in the Science Planning group. I support the Mars 2020 Science Operations team with the development of surface operational strategies and will be the Strategic Science Engineering Liaison (SEL) during surface operations. I am also continuing to work on research projects and participating on MSL operations.

Geophysics & Planetary Sciences Group(2017 - 2018)
Postdoctoral Scholar (Supervisor: Dr. Kathryn Stack Morgan)

I was involved with MSL operations and studied the diagenetic history of the lake deposits at Gale crater. I was also involved with scientific investigations of the Mars 2020 landing site candidates. Please see my research for more information.

Brown University - Providence, RI

Planetary Geosciences Group(2012 - 2017)
Graduate Student Researcher (Supervisor: Dr. Ralph E. Milliken)

My graduate work focused on characterizing the hydrated mineralogy of the martian crust and past aqueous conditions on Mars. In particular, I investigated the hydrated mineralogy of central peaks of impact craters, as well as the geochemical maturity of opal-bearing deposits across Mars using orbital CRISM, HiRISE, and CTX datasets. Please see my research for more information.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Pasadena, CA

Planetary and Exoplanetary Atmospheres Group(Summer 2011)
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Supervisor: Dr. Leslie Tamppari)

I studied dust devil tracks and wind streaks in the north polar regions (65-72 N latitude) of Mars and inferred wind directions from the orientations of these features.

California Institute of Technology - Pasadena, CA

Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy(Spring 2011)
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Supervisor: Dr. Judith Cohen)

I assisted with cataloging Hamburg/ESO survey results.

Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences(Summer 2010)
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Supervisors: Dr. Andrew Ingersoll, Dr. Shawn Ewald)

I studied Cassini data to characterize the vortices at the polar regions of Jupiter and understand their behaviors and life cycles over time.

Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences(Summer 2009)
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Supervisors: Dr. Joseph Kirschvink, Dr. Timothy Raub)

I assisted with fieldwork and laboratory analyses of samples from the Quinn River Formation in Nevada in an effort to understand the North American Permian-Triassic mass extinction record.

Mission and Field Experience

Mars 2020 Science Team Member(2017 - present)

Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Participating Science Collaborator(2012 - present)

JPL Planetary Science Summer School(2015)

Impact Cratering Short Course and Field School, Sudbury, Ontario(2013)

USGS Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery(2013)

Funding and Grants

Science PI, 2018-2021, NASA ROSES 2017 Mars Data Analysis Program (PI: Kathryn Stack Morgan), “Assessing the Formation Environments of Hydrated Silica on Mars.”

Science PI, 2019-2021, NASA ROSES 2018 Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools Program (PI: Kathryn Stack Morgan), “Preparing a USGS Geologic Map of the Northeast Syrtis and Jezero Regions of Mars.”

Co-I, 2017-2020, JPL R&TD (PI: Masahiro Ono), "MAARS: Machine learning-based Analytics for Autonomous Rover Systems."

Co-I, 2019-2020, JPL Data Science Pilot 2019 (PI: Chris Mattman), “Automatic Image Captioning and Annotation Capability for the PDS Imaging Node.”

Professional Activities

Panelist for three NASA Review Panels(2017 - present)

External Reviewer for four NASA Review Panels(2017 - present)

Reviewer(x12) for JGR Planets, Icarus, Planetary and Space Science, Meteoritics and Planetary Science,
AAS Planetary Science Journal(2016 - present)

MSL Blogger (2018 - present)

Co-Mentor for JPL Student Interns (Vicente Ochoa, 2018; Axel Noblet, 2019)(2018 - 2019)

Coordinator for JPL Mars Forum(2017 - 2019)

JPL Reviewer for three JPL Discovery Mission Concepts and one Strategic R&TD(Summer 2018)

Co-Chair, LPSC Oral Session: "Martian Remote Sensing"(2019)

Co-Chair, LPSC Oral Session: "Geologic History from Curiosity Observations at Gale Crater"(2018)

Fellowships and Awards

JPL Voyager Award - Mars 2020 ROASTT-2020 (2020)

JPL Voyager Award - Mars Science Laboratory Vera Rubin Ridge campaign (2019)

JPL Team Award - Mars 2020 ROASTT-2019 (2019)

NASA Group Achievement Award - MSL Extended Mission-1 Science and Operations Team(2017)

Lunar and Planetary Institute Career Development Award(2017)

Brown University Dissertation Fellowship(2017)

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Student Travel Grant Recipient (2016)

SETI Institute Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Travel Grant Recipient (2016)

NASA Group Achievement Award - MSL Prime Mission Science and Operations Team(2013, 2015)

Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Student Travel Grant(2014, 2015)

Brown University First Year Fellowship(2012)

Hugh F. and Andy Lou Colvin SURF Fellowship(2010)

Teaching and Outreach

Tulane University, "The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover from the Perspective of a Science Systems Engineer"(April 2021)

Westridge High School, Pasadena CA, "The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover from the Perspective of a Science
Systems Engineer"
(March 2021)

San Joaquin Geological Society, "Exploring the evolution of an ancient lake basin on MArs with the Mars Science
Laboratory Curiosity rover"
(May 2018)

Teaching Assistant, Brown University - GEOL 1240 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation(2014)

Teaching Assistant, Caltech - Ge 10 Frontiers in Geological and Planetary Sciences(2012)

Teaching Assistant, Caltech - Ay 1 The Evolving Universe(2011)

Professional Affiliations

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Geological Society of America (GSA)


A complete list of publications can be found here.